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Tool Balancer
Highest balancing accuracy at the best price
Simplest operation for everyone
Smallest (< 0.1 gram) imbalances detectable
For tool holders up to HSK125 / SK50 / PSC 8
Highest precision (< 0,5gmm)
Improved ease of use > 90%.
For 1-+ 2 plane balancing
Balancing methods: gram, degree, spread angle, fixed location, radial + axial drilling, milling
Display: gmm, gram, quality grade
Workpiece weight up to max.: 20kg, workpiece-Ø up to approx. 270mm
Workpiece length up to approx. 400mm
Immediately usable
Test report at the touch of a button
Weight only approx. 50 kg
HDMI interface for additional visualisation
on an external monitor, only 3.BMT200-1(2).OP100.HDMI
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